About Us

Irvine Teachers Association is a nonprofit organization committed to quality public education and active community involvement. Founded in 1973, ITA now represents over 1,740 education professionals who are deeply committed to the success of our students and the integrity of the teaching profession. With an active elected president and executive board who advocate on behalf of our members, we strive to improve teaching and learning conditions for the ultimate success of each and all of our learners. In a cooperative partnership of parents, principals, elected leaders and community organizations, we support teaching professionals by providing advocacy, professional development opportunities, and volunteerism.
The primary purpose of this association shall be to represent its members in their relations with their employer, and to seek to be the exclusive representative of appropriate units of school employees in all matters relating to employment conditions and employer-employee relations including, but not limited to, wages, hours, and other terms and conditions of employment.
Your Advocate. Your Partner. Your CTA.
There are benefits when we stand together
Salary, benefits and working conditions as stipulated by the collectively bargained agreement or “contract” between the district and the local association. | X | X |
Voting privileges on contract ratification of the collectively bargained agreement between the district and the local association | X | |
Representation on matters pertaining to your collectively bargained agreement and other issues in the classroom | X | X |
Joining an organization that advocates for students, staff and the education profession | X | |
Having a voice on legislative policy issues that impact student learning and working conditions in schools and colleges | X | |
Voting privileges to have a voice on positions advocated by the union, as well as in electing local chapter leaders and leaders at the state and national levels | X | |
Professional and leadership development training opportunities sponsored by CTA at the local, regional, state and national levels | X | |
Access to CTA and NEA professional development trainings by members for members looking to improve professional skills, social awareness and leadership | X | |
$1 million employment liability insurance coverage should you get sued | X | |
Legal services and professional advice provided for: o Due process, leave rights, layoffs and California Commission on Teacher Credentialing cases o Certification and classification issues o Discrimination under federal/state laws based on race, gender, age, sexual orientation, etc. o Discrimination based on union activity o Retirement issues | X | |
Subscriptions to California Educator and NEA Today professional publications | X | |
CTA Death & Dismemberment Insurance NEA Complimentary Life Insurance Disaster Relief Fund Grants | X | |
Exclusive Discounted CTA and NEA Member Benefits programs o Auto and home insurance o Voluntary life and disability insurance o Travel, restaurant, theme parks and purchasing discounts o CTA 403(b) Retirement Savings Plan and financial tools and resources o Financial services such as credit cards, credit unions, special mortgage and auto loan programs o Resources including “CTA Guide to Federal Student Loan Forgiveness Programs,” and “Balancing Family and Work: A Guide to Pregnancy Disability and Baby Bonding Leave” o And many more products, services, and discounts negotiated on behalf of, and provided to, members only | X |